Sunday, October 28, 2012

Long day at the computer

I've been spending the past few evenings at my computer working on my Web-Site.  It's been long and tiresome to say the least.  First finding all the things that I wanted to put on there, then getting them into the computer in a format that would work with the site. Part of my problem is in the fact that I have what I call a chicklet of a computer. It's tiny, no cd rom drive or floppy disc drive. So I have to manually type everything in or go to another computer (a bigger and better one) and scan each item then download it to my flash drive. Then back to my chicklet to upload the information and move it around.

So, as you can tell it's a lot of work that I should have done a long time ago.  I'm proud of myself for getting it done now and I think it looks, (as Billy Crystal's character would say on SNL) "Marvelous".  Give it a once over and see if you don't like it too....well, I'm signing off here for a while-I really need a break from this chicklet.........................

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