Wednesday, May 6, 2015

New Beginnings!!!

     As of April 24th I am an employee of my local Walmart Super Center as a People Greeter/Cashier. I know, I hear you saying...(Wah! I thought you said you would never take a job there?). Your right of course, but after some years and growing, I realized that the price was right and if I ever wanted to have anything of my own-well I was going to have to suck it up and take the job.

     The thing is that when I signed on it was with the notion that, because Chris already had a job there that I would try to work on the same schedule as him until  I could get a car of my own. That way we could ride back and forth to work together, then mom and dad would be off the hook for giving me rides. But, wouldn't you know it-before I started my actual shift something came up and he got fired. Now they are dragging their feet on getting him hired again. I'm not entirely sure that he isn't fine with that, but he is taking me to and from.

     I just found out last night that my beautiful twin nieces have been selected for something called the Science SNRA of which only 30 students are eligible and they both got in. I'm so sticking proud of them, of all my nieces and nephews-they are all so intelligent and good looking, thank God they didn't take after me.