I'm sitting here depressed because I haven't been able to find a job-the right job, yet. I'm starting to question everything in my life. My faith (christian), my ideals of what I'm good at (writing-fiction) and my sanity. I'm starting to have thoughts that are not so good....like going to sleep and staying there. Man, I guess I thought if I didn't type it then it wouldn't be so bad, but you understand what I'm talking about. I know your intelligent enough to get that feeling of utter hopelessness. It feels like your world is ending and you can't figure out how to stop it. But then I wonder if I should stop it, if maybe I shouldn't just let go and be done with all the worries and stress.
I think it all comes down to the Words......words we say.......words we think.......words we write.......even words we read. What's messed up is that we are judged by our words. My resume is filled with words, some of the best words (or so I thought) and yet before ever meeting me, speaking to me, I am turned down. Where did I go wrong.....we should be more than the sum of our words.
We should be more than the sum of our credit. There are places that won't hire you if you have bad credit. WHAT? Your credit got bad because you didn't have the money to pay for something at the time, but that's why your trying to get a job and yet because you don't have money they won't hire you. Am I the only one who doesn't get that logic?
Anyway, my point is this; We should all be more than the sums in our pockets or the words we use. We should all take the time to get to know someone and really communicate with each other before we pass judgement.............
Well, that's my rant-what's yours.