Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Sun why do you still shine?

Clouds why are you still white and fluffy?

Grass why are you still so green?

How do I enter your world where everything is still so sunny?

Right now my world is cold and dark. There is nothing sunny about it. Oh, how I long to feel your warmth again. To see your golden hues again. To smell your sweet smells again.

Monday, October 28, 2013


What was will be no more...

What is will change and rearrange, 
becoming that, what it is supposed to be...

I know the way I must pray.....

What is will be no more today!!!

Sunday, October 27, 2013


     Cold harsh darkness..........so dark that I can't even see my hand before my face. It's hard to breathe and I can't find a light any where. I'm scared-so very scared...I don't know what to do. I strech my arms out, hands grasping for some thing-any thing, yet at the same time I'm just a little happy to feel nothing. Things run through my head like whispers from times past. Things I wish I had said or done differently, was it to late? Oh, when will I be free of this darkness and bitter cold. One of the whispers said some thing about the bible..but I'm no good at remembering.

     (John 3:16) He so loved the world......everybody knows that one. What was that one............um....(1Samuel 2:1-11) Hannah's Prayer...yes, oh but I can't remember all of that one either. Some thing about how God Blesses the humble but brings down the haughty? I would look it up if I could see any thing. Why did that one come to mind.........of all the many verses in the bible.....why did that one come to my mind just now?

     There is another one where it talks about not acting like we are important to be humble. (1Peter 3:2-4) God spoke to me as I read verse four and led me to circle the words Ornament and in the sight of God and of great price. He told me that He sees me as the Ornamental Jewel in His Crown, of great importance to Him.

     Yet were is He now, in this darkness where I feel so alone? When every thing I know is falling apart all around me? When I shutter with cold? Why can I not feel Your warmth or see Your light? I have tried my best not to ever put myself before others...and to always ask for your forgiveness if I ever do or for any thing I have done that is displeasing to You...........and yet You are not here. Yes I have doughted and lost my faith, but I have never not once-forsaken You. I have never said that I didn't believe in You or Your existance-not once! So, why have You forsaken me? Now when I need You so badly-WHY?

Saturday, October 19, 2013


My brother and I tried, in taking a job with a telemarketing service. It didn't work out, but that's kind of okay because we didn't really like it anyway. I think we were just so desperate for a job that we took the first one that said they would hire us. We didn't think it through and realized (after the fact) that we just are not telemarket sales kind of people. So here we are back at the job hunt again and praying we can find one (the right one) soon. Bills will need to be payed and our parents need to be free of that burden. I'm really close to losing it here.........