Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Yes, folks it's that time of year again. Time to cook all night and day to set the table with the most delectable of eats only to have your family ruin it. Yes, Thanks Giving has been long since associated with the family tales of yesteryear, good or bad, funny or sad. It seems everyone has a bone to pick with everyone else and for some reason they most likely wait for Thanks Giving to unload, why? My family is no different.

Most of our stories though have been funny ones, Thank You God. My Mother is the Head Chef in the family so Turkey Day is hers. She starts cooking the night before and works all the way up to time to sit down and eat. She won't go first, even though she's the one who put all of this together. Nope it's the Grand-Kids, my Brother, Sister & her husband, Me, my Dad and finally after everyone else has plates full, drinks and seated, will she then fix her plate.  We try every year to get her to go first so she can sit down and rest after fixing one heck of a meal to no avail.  

And yet I'm Thankful for that. Thankful that I have a family and warm home to go to on this mother of all Family Holidays. Thankful for the family that will sit down to eat with me. Thankful for the food most of all. Thankful for one more year of the guessing game to see if this year is the year that so-and-so blows their top and ends up out on the lawn in a knock down drag out with so-and-so in front of all the neighbors until finally Mom comes out with a switch and puts and end to it. 

Yeah, any Holiday or Occasion where you get the whole family together under one roof for any length of time is a powder keg waiting to blow. Let's hope it's on the funny side this time, but to tell the truth either way I'm entertained. Well, Thank You Dear God, for This Life I'm Given-warts and all........

Monday, November 12, 2012


I had ordered the book "Deal With It!" and it's companion Workbook a few weeks ago. Yesterday I was reading the books and suddenly realized something.  The Author's name.....Paula White.

June 29th, 2010, I lost my Very Best Friend-whom I referred to as Sis.  She passed just a few weeks before her Fortieth Birthday-Her name........Paula White.  I hadn't realized it until that moment, at least not consciously, that their names were the same.  Maybe my subconscious knew, but it didn't clue me in until that moment. Maybe that was one of the things that I needed to, "Deal With It!"  I don't know the answers, but it was a little strange to say the least.

So far things are moving along smoothly with these books, that is other than the strangeness of the Names. Well, not much else I can say about it, other than " I miss you Sis, Love you"......................

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Yes, that's right, THANK GOD FOR FAMILIES!!! Especially my Parents.

Now let me start first at the beginning of my most recent reason for Gratitude. My Parents new home has a rather small utility room which could not accommodate their nice, fairly new Washer & Dryer set. So with the stipulation that they would visit when their laundry needed cleaning (that is until they can purchase a new set) they gave my Brother and I the set to replace our crappy ones. 

Of course we have no problem with that arrangement at all, heck I'll even stop by after work someday to pick up their laundry, bring it back here, do it for them and then deliver it again if they want. I'm just so glad to be able to Wash clothes using Hot water and Dry them all in the same day-even the same hour (almost). Yeah, that's right the old Washers Hot water setting didn't work and the dryer took two days to get the clothes dry. It went like this, run the dryer, open the door to find the clothes still damp, run the dryer again and again until the next day they were finally dry. I don't know if they were dry because it had finally worked or from sheer exhaustion from all that tumbling.

Now thanks to God's infinite wisdom of giving us Great Parents we will no longer have that problem. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving-which is swiftly approaching-I give my Thanks to God and my Parents for this gift of inconvenience for them, but a helping hand for us. And of course..............................................................